Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Welcome to the world, Rory William Moore!!!!

What an unbelievable past 3 days it has been. It's as good a time as ever to start up blogging again! And an excellent reason, if I do say so myself.

I know we just posted our pregnancy announcement less than 2 months ago on Facebook, but there have been developments since then! Keep up!!

This came as a complete surprise to everyone. I had no problems with the pregnancy or any warning signs that anything was abnormal. Sunday was just another normal day for us...until around 8:00pm when I started having contractions. I didn't have any idea that's what they were, and it was mostly just uncomfortable at first so I ignored them thinking they would go away.

They hadn't by 2:30am when I finally stopped trying to sleep through them. By then, I was googling symptoms of appendicitis and had pretty much convinced myself that my appendix was going to rupture. Baby wasn't even on my radar at 27 weeks.

We finally called my parents and we all went to the emergency room, me still thinking I was going to have an appendectomy. Thank goodness my mom was there to give the doctors the right information. I was taken to labor & delivery, and there they found out that I was already dilated to 10 cm and my baby was trying to come out bottom first. I'm extremely grateful that my OBGYN happened to be the on-call doctor that night. She arrived very quickly and said they needed to do an emergency C-section and that there was no time for an epidural. Everything happened really fast!!! They wheeled me into the OR, got me onto a table and then put me out completely under a general anesthetic, so after that point I remember nothing.

The whole time James was amazing. He was with me the entire time and held my hand, and he and my dad gave me a blessing. He was right there when I woke up from surgery. I felt so bad to see him looking so worried and sad and scared in the delivery room. And throughout the past 3 days he has really gone through a lot. He's been amazing figuring out all the stressful insurance stuff, paperwork, driving back and forth, sleeping on a pull-out couch by a drafty window, and doing basically everything for me. And the whole time worrying about his brand new tiny baby son in the NICU. All through it he has managed to keep both of our spirits up and make this a happy and enjoyable time.

Speaking of our brand new tiny baby son, I guess it's time for some pictures! All right. Here you go.

Rory William Moore was born on November 19, 2018 at 4:03 a.m. 
2 lbs 4 oz, 13.75 inches long
He will be in the NICU for about 10 weeks.

He's on a ventilator right now to help him breathe. He is able to breathe on his own, but needs help to keep the air sacs in his lungs from collapsing and sticking together. He needs to be fed nutrients and medicines through tubes, and also has a line going into his arm and through a vein near his heart. Some preliminary blood tests showed that he may have a slight infection, so he is on antibiotics to get rid of anything that could be there. He also has some jaundice and is under a bright blue light to help it go away. The headband in the pictures is actually to cover his eyes when they turn on the bright light. It must be pretty exhausting for the little guy to have all that done to him. He is doing so great!!!!!

Everyone has already been so supportive and helpful and just really nice. We have received a lot of phone calls, visitors, gifts, and texts and well wishes from so many family and friends. We are all really grateful for everyone who has reached out to us and also for all the blessings and miracles that we have seen from Heavenly Father. I know that God loves us and is aware of our little family, and that He is also aware of every person. He is deeply involved in every life. We are all praying for Rory and we have hope for him. We have SO MUCH to be grateful for right now. We are overflowing with blessings!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and Happy Birthday, Rory!!!!!!