Thursday, March 13, 2014


One day, I decided to make the Moore sugar cookies, but sadly the oven began to smoke when I preheated it. So, I turned it off.

And on the bottom was a big pile of grease... Yuck. And I don't even remember spilling anything!

So we put the cookies in the fridge and I bought oven cleaner. The oven isn't self cleaning but even if it was, it probably would have smoked us out. The only catch was that whoever designed the oven cleaner must not have realized that people would eventually need to open it. It took me 20 minutes to get the lid off.

But then it took much longer to get the greasy goopy gook off the oven. I did most of it but it was still smoking when I turned it on. So I gave up for the week ( I used school and work as the excuse because I thought it would take an hour or two more) and didn't bake anything. Slowly, and silently, one-half at a time, the cookies in the fridge began to disappear.

Then, James the Nice Cleaner Man took a look at the oven and it turned out I forgot to clean the top of the inside. I guess it didn't cross my mind that grease can spill upwards. (In an Escher oven.)

This picture is dedicated to Emily.

So James cleaned it and then no smoke! Side note: James really likes having a clean house. So much so that he cleans it! I like that. It also helps motivate me to clean more because I know he will notice and be happy about it.

So we baked the dwindling supply of cookies. We ate them so fast that there are no pictures, but we put some of that dinosaur blue frosting on them. (Mom, you were right. It tasted a kinda funny.)

Then we tried Carla's banana bread with Caroline's topping. As you may notice, the topping was..........too clumpy. (For some reason I though it would just kind of melt all over the bread....but it stayed in clumps.)

But it was still yummy! :) 

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