Saturday, June 7, 2014

Dominion friends!

We are glad to have made some new friends, Matt and Angelique Randall, at Wymount. They aren't in our ward sadly, but they live just down the road and are fun to hang out with! James knows Matt from the geology major. They're going to be taking a 6-week field trip class together next summer. Matt came over during finals to study with James, and I made snickerdoodles. That's the key to new friends. You lure them in with baked goods.

So far we've had some game/movie nights and a family home evening night with them. This week, we decided to break out Dominion! James and I got Dominion for our wedding from some of our other good friends, Taylor and Katie, but sadly we hadn't even opened it until this week! We thought you needed more than 2 players for the game. It wasn't until we visited Taylor and Katie recently that they told us you can play it with TWO! Of course we were too skeptical to just check the box.

It's a fun game, if you haven't heard of it, but one of those longer games like Settlers of Catan. And there are a LOT of cards. It takes a while to get the hang of it. So Matt and Angelique helped us open all the packages and sort the cards. I'm happy to have it opened and even more happy that James and I can play it by ourselves. Oh, and I WON! :)

We didn't take any pictures. So to make up for it, here is a super cute picture James took with my phone a long time ago.

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