Friday, August 15, 2014

Goodbye School and Work

Some pretty awesome things have happened but sadly I've been so busy with school for the past few weeks. And when I say I've been busy with school, what I mean is that whenever I think about writing in the Blog, I have a guilty feeling that I COULD be doing homework or studying instead. Plus, there's the fact that James had a lot of pictures to sort through and edit, and that was taking a long time. And how could I post a blog with no pictures? :P

Anyway, the good news is that I AM DONE WITH SCHOOL FOREVER!!!! And when I say I'm done with school forever, I mean that in 4 days I am going to start right back over with Junior High and do it all again.

But I feel great because I turned in my last final exam ever this morning. I felt pretty good about it too. Number Theory. It wasn't nearly as bad as I feared at the beginning of summer. All the exams were take-home, week-long, open-book and open-note. And I actually made it to every single lecture. The joys of summer term.

On Monday, it will be my last day ever working at BYU Independent Study. I worked as a Math TA for more than a year. It was a really great job, but I really didn't get to do as much teaching as I wanted. So I'm glad it's ending and that I get to start student teaching. To commemorate, I am including this picture I drew a few days ago of what I see at work.

I actually just did it for fun, not to commemorate, but I am just so proud of it. I will never miss that blue and orange website, BrainHoney. Nor will I miss Outlook, but I don't think I've seen the last of it. I will miss my coworkers though, they are awesome. 

What do you know, here is a picture of them from Facebook:

Anyway, this year has been really great and I'm so happy school is over. I'm super duper excited for student teaching. James will be going back to school on September 2. I wouldn't say he's excited, exactly, but... It won't be too bad. He'll only be taking 3 classes, because they are all pretty hard. Geomorphology, Groundwater, and Calculus 1. Here we go!!! :)


  1. I am, like, super impressed by that picture you drew of work. Maybe if I would practice drawing stuff, my handwriting wouldn't be so awful in Adobe Connect...


    1. Bahahaha. And I will not miss writing things in Adobe Connect. ;) And THANKS! :D
