James took the above picture with a 30-second exposure, and had someone shine a cell phone light on them for a few seconds of it. Pretty neato, I thought.
These blokes were at the lowest spot of land in North America!
This place is called the Devil's Golf Course. It's a bunch of twisty mounds of mud and salt precipitate. While they were exploring down there, somebody actually found a golf ball that someone had hit out there!
Miles and miles of uniform hexagonal mud cakes.
Oh and also these sliding rocks all over the place.
Geologists were confused by these moving rocks many years ago. They would find a bunch of heavy boulders sitting around the desert with long trails behind them. Nobody knew how the rocks moved but they obviously did because of the tracks they left. Finally somebody put a time lapse camera in the valley during the winter, and caught the rocks in the act. Down in that very flat valley, water would freeze around the rocks and then strong winds would blow whole sheets of ice, along with the rocks, across the ground.
And here's a very fine specimen. If you ever go to Death Valley, you should find one of your own.
I really like how this picture looks. The sand almost looks like snow.
A very fun field trip! James is most excited about the deltaic fan behind him in this picture.
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