Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall Decorating

This Fall I decided I wanted to have some real life fally decorations. You know, trying to be a homemaker and everything. Well, all October I worked and planned and created, and in the end there was a grand total of.... 4 decorations!

But look. That's a lot better than 0, which is how many we usually have. Plus, our apartment is so small (cozy) that four decorations pretty much make it festive!!!

I'm kind of into DIY decorations. These are pictures from our very fun hike into Rock Canyon to collect fall leaves for decoration. I'm SUPER glad we went because everyone is always talking about how pretty the canyon is at this time of year. They are right! :D

A grasshopper!

James and I have this game where whenever one of us sees a dandelion, we pick it and try to blow it at the other person's face. You see, despite the countless times I have tried, I have only won this game once. James usually wins even if I'm holding the dandelion.

A wild Miranda appears. Here I am scouting out the perfect leaves for the decorations!

A charming James appears!

So that was lots of fun. Next, I also wanted acorns to decorate with. Now being the smart frugal decorator that I am, I decided to collect these acorns from beneath an acorn tree. All I needed was an oak tree. How did I find it, you ask? (You see, this is Utah, where they don't just spring up in any old place.) Well, during my freshman year I took a class about landscape design, and in that class I received a BYU Tree Tour pamphlet. It's a very classy and well designed pamphlet describing over 100 different types of trees on campus, and their locations.

Me (bragging to James): "And I used my BYU Tree Tour book to find the closest Oak tree, and it turns out there's one right next to the Eyring Science Center!"

James: "I know. I walk past it every day."

Ah well. I guess James thinks that simply paying attention to the world around him is superior to reading about it in books. I bet he didn't know that it was a Bur Oak, though.

So here I am at the dead of night shoving pinecones into a bag. I was too embarrassed to do this during the daytime with all the university students walking around. I think it was almost midnight, actually. Oh the things James puts up with.

But it was all worth it!

I bought the big jar and the sheet music from D.I., and then literally everything else except the acorns (OBviously) came from a Relief Society Mod Podge activity.

Also, my mom had a big wreath of grapevine she had never used, so she gave it to me and I hot glued the leaves to it! A rather small wreath, but it was very vibrant.

Here's our kitchen table with the acorn jar, and also a wicker basket bowl that I've had since freshman year. I just bought a bunch of squashes from the grocery store. I told James it was either real squashes or fake squashes (but there WOULD be squashes), so he chose real ones because of their utilitarian value. We had several lovely squash dinners throughout the month.

So there you have it! I'm rather proud of my leafy acorn jar and will probably keep it for next year. :)

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