Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nature Hike

James and I were having kind of a lazy Saturday and decided to go on a fun walk in Rock Canyon. This was a great idea. I don't think we do this often enough, go outside and walk around in Nature. Especially if we're bored. Well, it was sadly another one of those times when there are only pictures of me and no James. I will have to get better at that.

Really not a whole ton happened. We just walked up the trail and wandered over to check out a tiny cave in the side of the hill. Mostly it just felt really great to be outside and see these really pretty colors of the stormy canyon on a fine fally afternoon.

I think the next two were taken by me:

It began to drip a few drops and then rain a little harder so we headed back to the car. Then the rain stopped. Oh well, we should have known that would happen in Utah. But it was still lots of fun!

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