Saturday, February 21, 2015

What We've Been Up To

At long last we are all caught up with last year and shall begin chronicling our 2015! Also the blog has a cool new look! :D

Well, to get up-to-date, here are some fun facts.

  • We bought a new 2015 planner and I wrote in it, "Miranda & James' planner" and then James added, "and schedule for World Domination." We've got huge plans for this year.
    • I was looking all over for it the other day, and then I got a text from my mom saying, "It appears I am in possession of a notebook containing your plans for world domination. I would have thought you'd notice something like that was missing."
  • Some events have already happened which we are late in blogging about, such as James' birthday, our new bookshelf, Valentine's day, my dad's birthday, and a fun acquisition of various fruits and vegetables.
  • Goals for this year's blog are: to blog more about day-to-day living along with the big events; to include more James and Mir selfies; and to have James write on the blog too, so I don't commandeer the description of his life.
  • Since we finished Doctor Who, we browsed Amazon Prime and got into a new show, Eureka. I wouldn't really recommend this to anyone. James would, but he hasn't grown up with my mom, or any movie critic, probably. It's pretty cheesy and predictable, but for some reason it's just really fun to watch together.
  • I have been reading a lot since I don't have school. Also I am no longer allowed to check out books from the Great Harold B. Lee Library (although that doesn't stop me from using James' BYU card occasionally), so I got my very own Provo City library card. I also joined my Relief Society book club. I will try to blog about the books I read this year because that would be fun to look back on!
  • I have also applied for 4 teaching jobs and interviewed at all of them, and received none of them. It's quite a huge bummer, actually, but I'll get over it. Hiring for the 2015-2016 school year begins in March. I am currently substituting at different schools all over Provo, Spanish Fork, Pleasant Grove, etc. I would also like to start private tutoring. We'll see how that goes.
  • James has been working like crazy on calculus and geomorphology. It's really hard but it hasn't got the best of him...yet. He's also still working a few hours a week fixing computers in the chemistry department. So he's usually pretty busy but is always really good at doing all his homework. (That's a lot more than I could say.) And going to class. (Same.)
  • Over the past few weeks James has been compiling all the supplies he will need for his field camp in April. A 6-week class where he will travel all over Utah looking at rocks. And layers, and groundwater, and volcanic activity, and all these geological phenomenons. So far he's got a really nifty solar charger that has been able to charge his phone twice and shine a flashlight for over 24 hours straight. Also he got a camp shower, which is a giant black bag with a hose that you fill with water, heat up in the sun, and hang from a hook. That will be fun!

So that's whats been up. I'm hoping to write about some things that happened last month, and also current events in the Moore lives. The most current of which is that we are enjoying some nice hot cocoa right now and about to watch Eureka! 

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