Saturday, April 4, 2015

Best Friends

So the other day I was reading on a blog about a photographer who used these little books to give out to potential clients with examples of his work. I got to thinking that since it was only $4 to get it printed and shipped that I would make one for Miranda. I looked through the pictures that I have and found pictures of both of us and some pictures that were taken of us individually. Sorting through the pictures I picked the ones that looked best together on the facing pages and send it off to be printed. It printed and shipped in just a few days. When it came in the mail I intercepted it and wrapped it before Miranda got home.

Miranda really likes surprises so the day I ordered it I talked about this surprise that she was going to get...keeps her on her toes. Anyways...the day it came in I gave it to her and she was very surprised that I made it. We really are best friends.

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