Looks like Indiana Jones is packing to leave on a big adventure...
(Except not really, because he would've just brought a brief case and a whip.)
Really though, this is a picture of some stuff James packed for his field camp. In case I forgot to mention it to everybody in the world, James had a four-week-long field trip back in May for his geology capstone class. They drive all over Utah looking at geological sites and things like that.
Buuuuut they leave their spouses at home. At the time he was leaving, I was halfway done with my long-term substitute job. I was not excited about James leaving in the middle of that. Or at all. :(
He had to pack a bunch of stuff though. A tent, a sleeping bag, dishes and utensils, cooking stove, fuel, geology textbooks, a compass and a pewter cauldron. And also a boatload of food. (JK about the cauldron. We're muggles.)
It turns out they didn't have to bring all the food they would live off for a month, because they could drive to Walmart occasionally, but he did have to be supplied for the first week. We packed a bunch of granola bars, some cookies, freeze dried dinners, PB&J, and loads of oatmeal. By the time he got back James had a deep aversion to oatmeal. Would rather drive to Smiths at 1:00 a.m. to get cereal than suffer another oatmeal breakfast.
Anyway, James knew it was not going to be fun for me without him, having to substitute and everything, so that sneaky Jams got me this!
This is my favorite type of plant, called a Bromeliad. On the morning James was going to leave, I woke up to drive him to campus and POOF! There it was! A happy plant just waiting for me.
The note says, "Hi Miranda! I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Bro the Bromeliad. I'm here to keep you company while James is away. We're going to be best of friends as long as you don't let me die!"
But also, James got to call me almost every night, and we even got to FaceTime a couple times. Pretty awesome!!
James is, apparently, the best! Love your blog! And you!