Monday, March 31, 2014


Friday was a fun day because not only did my Dinosaur class go on a field trip, but James came too! Since he has a BYU van driving permit, and not many people in my class do, my professor was happy that James volunteered to drive a load of people up Spanish Fork Canyon. I was happy too.

Apparently when the professor said "field trip" he meant "stopping at random points on the side of the freeway and scrambling around looking for rocks." It was fun though! At our first stop, we were told there were fossils everywhere and we should find one. We ran up a steep hill full of rocks, and while looking around, I told James "I don't know how to find a fossil." He explained that you just had to pick up these smooth flat rocks and break them open to see if there was anything between the layers of sediment. Taking his advice, I picked up a nearby rock and hit it on another rock to break it open. And there it was! A fossil! Seriously, it was that easy!

We also found some ripple marks, in mudstone where a river used to be.

Some more pictures from the field trip!

My professor showing everybody a rock with a wormy trail in it

Even though my shoes were filled with red sand, to complement the red sand that was still in them from our Arches trip last summer, it was okay because after we got home, we went to go see

Calculus! The Musical!!!

I know, I know. It sounds nerdy. Well it was. However, it was VERY entertaining. For me. James is the best husband, because he humored me by coming along even though he couldn't differentiate the jokes from the critical points. At any rate, he must have been approaching his limit of tolerance for the whole function! He's just so great. :)

After that it was still pretty early on a Friday night. So instead of watching a movie, we decided to go play racquetball! It was really fun. I got hit in the face by a racquetball but was really lucky because nothing bad happened. I am really glad for the glasses! They are specially designed to fit so that if you get hit in the eye, it really doesn't hurt or do any damage. (The eye would be the worst place to get hit.) James even has glasses to go over his glasses! Glasception.

On Saturday James went on an all-day field trip. They drove to Black Rock Desert and got to go inside some lava tubes (volcano tunnels)! Some of them were made of basalt, and some were made of rhyolite.

Geologists in their natural habitat

And the most handsome one of all:

James and his magical photography!

While he was gone my mom and sister Emily came to watch the General Women's meeting with me! It was really fun. We made tomato soup (Caroline's) and biscuits, and cake cookies. I liked seeing them. It was perfect because at the meeting they talked a lot about how women of all different generations need each other. We sure do!

My best sister Emily

The best mom ever!

Yummy cake cookies (my mom's famous chocolate cake mix + white chocolate chips = happiness)

Delectable biscuits that my mom made for us in about 5 seconds.

Then afterwards we watched Frozen. It's finally the first time I've seen it! James the geologist arrived back before we finished the movie, so we went to go pick him up and then he got to see the last half. It was a long but really great day!

A closeup of hot chocolate to bring you joy. 
Courtesy of James.



  2. I like all your math references. Fun field trips!
